Presence – preparation for an interview

I’m being interviewed tomorrow and my topic will be presence. More specifically, if it can be learned or taught. These are my thoughts on the matter, put forth in a sort of interview-y preparatory style, still a little raw. Forgive me if I rattle on or sound pedantic. I’m still working it out. What does…

Improvisation  – A Director’s Best Friend

I direct a lot of new plays, many of them by fledgling writers, and often various aspects of character development have remained in the head of the writer, and are not yet on the page. Or sometimes the character is on the page, but not yet sufficiently specific. When this happens, I use improvisation to answer questions like the…

Being a Fundraiser – Or Not

Sitting here drinking coffee in a lovely, quiet NYC morning, I am reading two articles in the Times about Broadway Productions, and Here’s the main gist of those articles – In the world of Broadway productions, 75% lose their entire investment, 25% make a profit, and the main job of a producer is…

The Artistic Diaspora

In August of 2015, I will put all my belongings in storage in Staten Island, and buy a car and begin a one-year artistic journey I am calling “Caesura: An Art Tinker’s Journey.” I’ll stay with friends and collaborate with them on art projects. I’ll be a muse, a dramaturge, an editor, a coach –…

Discontent and the “Cure”

Many of us in the theatre, in major urban areas, are scrabbling out a living, and practicing our craft – creating solo shows, and plays and other works of art. Those of us in NYC have chosen one of the most competitive places in the world to call our homes – we are surrounded by…

How is a Multi-Media Solo Show like a Trip to Europe?

I just came home from Portland, ME where I was directing a multi-media solo show by Steve Underwood. The show, called Underwater Guy, included about 45 minutes’ worth of beautiful underwater video shot by Steve, in his experience as a free diver. The narrative portion of the show was about 45 minutes also, with about…

Underwater Guy: Multi-media Extravaganza

I’m in Maine, directing a solo show by my buddy Steve Underwood. Steve is a free diver and the name of the show is Underwater Guy. He’s a smart and funny man, with major skills in many areas, including underwater filmography. We created a multi-media extravaganza and, as with many solo shows, we didn’t allow…